
Jackie Lanier
I am from Niagara Falls, New York, and became interested in the arts from an early age, inspired perhaps by the awe and artistry of the natural wonder within walking distance from where I grew up, the Falls themselves. Yet it was at SUNY Geneseo, in a ceramics class, where I first realized my future in the arts with clay and began to pursue the discoveries of its wonders.
Soon after graduating cum laude, I accepted a teaching position in Elementary Art in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I later returned to college, Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, and earned a Master's Degree in Art Education.
During my career as a ceramic artist I have been accepted into numerous art exhibitions and galleries throughout the country. In 1995 I was given the honor of initiating and developing the curriculum for a Ceramics Art Department, becoming the first adjunct professor of ceramics at Palm Beach State College in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
I have always loved a challenge and the process of manipulating a lump of clay into an aesthetic form using a potter's wheel is precisely that. Although I also enjoy sculpting clay, wheel-throwing remains my method of choice.
Although my beginning work was mostly stoneware decorated by high-fired glazes, I evolved creatively by using alternative firing methods such as pit-firing, saggar and raku firings. My vessels are wheel-thrown, hand burnished, carved or incised into intricate, unique patterns. Through the years I have developed my own smoke-firing technique and I feel that it corresponds nicely with my carving.
My love of clay has been at the center of my life for over 40 years. Throughout that time I have been a practicing studio potter, instructor, and an avid supporter and promotor of the Ceramic Arts in and around our community. I currently reside in Jupiter Farms where I have a studio, several gas and electric kilns and primitive "pits" to fire my pottery.
I sincerely hope that you enjoy the images of my work as much as I have enjoyed making them!